What’s New In Rugged Technology?

What’s New In Rugged Technology?

Technology never stands still, and rugged technology is no exception to this. Rugged devices continue to evolve quickly and with each new innovation they become more effective and efficient for working in the most hostile of environments. New levels of functionality combined with a lower cost of ownership are making rugged computing not only more accessible but also more desirable.


New developments in the rugged market

Here are three recent trends that are making a difference the rugged computing market.


  • Recent improvements in Windows

As the most widely-used OS in industrial computers, any improvements to the functionality of Windows will have a wide-reaching impact. Up to now, compatibility between Windows devices has been an issue. The cheaper RISC-based units that are commonly used in warehousing and on factory floors usually run Windows CE, and this software is not compatible with other versions of Windows. However, industrial devices are now becoming powerful enough to run the latest versions of Windows – making them fully compatible and thus increasing their functionality.


  • Tougher touch screens

A broken touchscreen will put a device out of action for a considerable period while it is being fixed, and this has been one of the most common complaints levelled at industrial computing devices. To date touchscreens have been covered with a soft PET layer that has not really being able to withstand the most hostile environments. Now, however, we are seeing the introduction of tougher, more user-friendly touchscreens on rugged devices. This new touchscreen technology is called projected capacitive touch (PCT). PCT places a layer of toughened glass over the touch sensor, making the screen far more able to withstand the rigours of the factory floor – it is capable of operating in humid conditions or even when the user is wearing gloves. The screens are more comparable to the touchscreens we are used to on smartphones and tablets, and they are able to interpret multi-touch gestures such as pinching to zoom.


  • Increased uptake of full-service packages

Gone are the days of buying a device and then wondering what to do when it developed a fault or broke. Now corporate users are finally likely to opt for a full-service package, providing them with the peace of mind that breakages and breakdowns will be quickly replaced, minimising interruptions to the production process. As far as reducing downtime, these packages make equipment costs predictable and finite. Not only is this far more convenient for the user, it also saves money by minimising downtime due to device problems. It is a trend that has been seen across all computing markets and looks set to become the norm.


UK-based RUGGED is your one-stop, go-to supplier with a wealth of experience in providing cutting-edge and cost-effective computing solutions specifically designed and innovatively engineered to operate reliably in demanding environments and conditions.  Add to that an unparalleled range of customer-focused value-added services, you will find all your RUGGED computing needs covered.

Need an innovative custom solution for your unique requirement?

Regardless of how simple or complex the requirements may be, RUGGED has the experience and expertise to provide you with the most optimal solutions to the toughest computing challenges. Whether you need to tweak a standard product or create an entirely new one, our product engineering specialists are standing by to execute your vision into an innovate and successful commercial reality.

For further information please browse our website, email us at or call us on +44(0)1474 240120  today!