Sorting the Myths from the Facts

Sorting the Myths from the Facts

If you’re thinking about investing in rugged technology for the first time, the chances are that you might have heard some of the myths and misconceptions about what rugged is and isn’t.  You might think that it’s heavy and bulky to carry around or that rugged devices cost more than comparable consumer devices without being that different. But before you jump to any conclusions, you need to have the facts. We know rugged technology practically better than anyone, and we’ll set you straight with the facts.


Rugged devices are ugly!

Wrong. This used to be the case in the early days of rugged technology, but there are plenty of devices now that look sleek and aesthetically pleasing, while still conforming to the properties required to qualify as rugged. You’ll find sleek stainless-steel keyboards, super-slim touchpads and space-age trackballs – they all look good as well as doing the job they’re designed for.


Rugged devices are big and bulky

The point of most rugged devices is that you can take them out in the field and on the road – you need to be able to use them anywhere, in any sorts of conditions. People suppose that this will lead to extra bulk and weight in order to protect them, but it doesn’t have to be the case. If you need a device that’s bump-proof, water resistant and protected from dirt and dust, we can provide you with one. These devices are built using strong-but-light alloys, with tough protective casings. You’ll find that there are plenty to choose from that won’t weigh you down.


Rugged technology is old-fashioned

This is certainly not true! Rugged technology is built to last longer than consumer devices. When companies invest in a fleet of rugged devices, they don’t want to have to constantly replace them with updated versions – but good rugged manufacturers are using state-of-the-art technology and provide devices that can be updated as new solutions are developed. The demands of rugged technology exceed those of consumer specifications in areas such as battery life and performance, which means you might be looking at more advanced technology than the consumer equivalents.


Rugged devices cost more

Compare the price tags between a rugged device and a comparable consumer gadget and, yes, the rugged one will probably be higher. But if you drill down to look at the total cost of ownership and the return on investment, you’ll find that the numbers say something different. For a start, trying to work in hostile environments with a consumer device simply won’t work – and will cost you time in lost production. You’ll also find that rugged devices have longer lifespans and don’t need replacing so often, resulting in a lower cost of ownership. If your circumstances demand a rugged device, trying to use consumer technology instead will end up costing you far more in the long run.


In other words, you need to take a fresh look at rugged technology – it offers advanced functionality, it’s fit for purpose and you’ll get a better ROI. Forget the myths and stick to the facts!


UK-based RUGGED is your one-stop, go-to supplier with a wealth of experience in providing cutting-edge and cost-effective computing solutions specifically designed and innovatively engineered to operate reliably in demanding environments and conditions.  Add to that an unparalleled range of customer-focused value-added services, you will find all your RUGGED computing needs covered.

Need an innovative custom solution for your unique requirement?

Regardless of how simple or complex the requirements may be, RUGGED has the experience and expertise to provide you with the most optimal solutions to the toughest computing challenges. Whether you need to tweak a standard product or create an entirely new one, our product engineering specialists are standing by to execute your vision into an innovate and successful commercial reality.

For further information please browse our website, email us at or call us on +44(0)1474 240120  today!

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