RUGGED Technology in Industrial Applications

RUGGED Technology in Industrial Applications

As more and more functions in industry and the workplace become computerised, the use of rugged technology across a wide range of applications has become the norm. Outside the benign environment of the clean, air-conditioned office, the challenges faced by technology devices range from extreme temperatures to moisture ingress and from shock absorption to dirt resistance. This means that more companies are using more rugged devices, and the reason? They get the job done.

How rugged devices are taking work out of the workplace

Across a range of industry sectors, the use of rugged technology has brought new levels of functionality to everyday and extraordinary tasks. Take a look at a few of them:

  • Energy – out on oil rigs or in the middle of nowhere, checking on pipeline installations, rugged handheld devices are allowing energy industry professionals to work effectively and efficiently in the harshest conditions.
  • Mining – vehicle tracking, timekeeping, supply chain, equipment maintenance and more can all be managed and monitored using rugged technology at mining and drilling sites, where dirt and dust, extreme temperatures, moisture and shocks constantly challenge.
  • Industry – on the shop floor and in the factory, only rugged technology is up to the job for applications such as inventory and production management in environments that would be too tough for off-the-shelf solutions.
  • Military and security – in hostile urban and rural environments, the military and security sectors demand robust, dependable technology for communications and connectivity.
  • Road and rail transportation – operators and engineers on public transport, and road construction and highway maintenance companies all use a range of rugged technology to keep transport links open and flowing. Blueprints and schematics are always to hand, diagnostic tools enable speedy maintenance and repair, and communication is enhanced.
  • Construction – onsite job calculations and consulting blueprints is made easy with rugged smart technology, while on-the-spot inventory tracking can keep costs under control.
  • Agriculture and forestry – farmers can use rugged devices to track livestock, run inventory and control irrigation, while forest management benefits from surveying and GPS applications.
  • Warehousing and logistics – the benefits of having smart, rugged handhelds in stock control and logistic functions is obvious, making works in these fields more efficient and effective.


This is just a small sample of how rugged computing is revolutionising the more challenging fields of industrial endeavour, making these environments safer, more cost effective and more productive in a multitude of different ways.


UK-based RUGGED is your one-stop, go-to supplier with a wealth of experience in providing cutting-edge and cost-effective computing solutions specifically designed and innovatively engineered to operate reliably in demanding environments and conditions.  Add to that an unparalleled range of customer-focused value-added services, you will find all your RUGGED computing needs covered.

Need an innovative custom solution for your unique requirement?

Regardless of how simple or complex the requirements may be, RUGGED has the experience and expertise to provide you with the most optimal solutions to the toughest computing challenges. Whether you need to tweak a standard product or create an entirely new one, our product engineering specialists are standing by to execute your vision into an innovate and successful commercial reality.

For further information please browse our website, email us at or call us on +44(0)1474 240120  today!